Monday 7 March 2016


1. NAVIS (SPARCS N4) - Introduction:

 SPARCS N4, developed by NAVIS (SPARCS N4), part of Zebra Enterprise Solutions, is the industry's most scalable, open, deployable, adaptable and maintainable terminal operating system (TOS) available today. SPARCS N4 TOS is a fully integrated solution from gate to yard to vessel and vice versa, thereby eliminating the manual processes and costly errors required to keep disjointed systems in sync. Employing a Java "Rich-Thin Internet Client" technology, SPARCS N4 makes it easy to standardize into a single, homogeneous system, managing business processes across multiple operations. This Java-based solution provides inherent cross-platform portability, alleviating the impact of a heterogeneous hardware infrastructure that may arise through natural technology evolution and upgrades. 

2. TPT - NAVIS (SPARCS N4) Overview:

 NAVIS (SPARCS N4) is currently fully operational at ALL the TPT container terminals except for DCT, which is expected to “Go-live” early in 2011. TPT is also the pioneer for NAVIS (SPARCS N4) currently, in that it is the first site, worldwide, to employ the MULTI TERMINAL/FACILITY component of NAVIS (SPARCS N4). TPT has also developed a “Customer Access Portal” from which our clients can interact with the NAVIS (SPARCS N4) system remotely via WEB connection. This initiative should be available to our clients shortly and a “CAP” user guide is available upon request. 

3. TPT – Operations Past to Present:

 Transnet Port Terminals originally started out as “SAR+H” (South African Railways and Harbours), utilizing a paper based process of conducting day to day business. As the age of computers dawned, a green screen system, called COSMOS was implemented. The recent shift to the more modern “Graphical User Interface” terminal management system of NAVIS (SPARCS N4) has given TPT the opportunity to streamline and enhance their port operations and facilities optimally. 

4. Process Flow Business Process and N4 in the TPT Terminals:


5.1 Shipping Line submits vessel nomination / vessel visit created 

The first action for EXPORT containers in order for TPT to facilitate a shipping line’s vessel, is the submission of the “vessel nomination” document. This document must be submitted at least 14 days before vessel arrival but can be submitted even 2-3 months before vessel arrives. No export bookings can be made via the web or EDI unless the vessel has been nominated. It is therefore imperative that the shipping line ensures that nominations are sent to TPT before they start processing bookings for a vessel/voyage. On TPT’s N4 system, a “vessel visit” is created. It is important for the shipping line to note, that TPT must have the FULL port rotation for the nominated vessel. This should also be present in the BAPLIE_IN (bay-plan) EDI file received from the shipping line for a nominated vessel.

5.2 Shipping Line create “Export Bookings”
 In order for TPT to be aware of the volume of containers and then planning and execution of facilitating physical units, the shipping line has to create Export Bookings via their WEB access on the N4 system or via the COPARN EDI message. This booking typically indicates the freight kind, quantity, ISO code, POD and vessel detail. Screen below shows illustrative view of a manual booking creation and pre-advise. 

5.2.1 On N4: Create Export bookings

5.2.1 On N4: Create Export bookings (cont)

5.3 Shipping Line “Pre-advises” units The “Pre-advising”
 for RAIL units is currently an automated process within TPT, with electronic files received from TPT’s sister company, TFR. Pre-advising ROAD units currently takes place at GATE_IN (entry) but will be required to be submitted prior to the truck arriving at the Terminal in the near future.The Pre-advice can be done via the Web or via a COPARN – EDI message. 

5.3.1 On N4: Manually pre-advise units - selection 

5.3.2 On N4: Manually pre-advise units – view Units pre-advised.

5.4 Truck / Train arrives at terminal
 When the container physically arrives at the terminal either on a TRUCK or a TRAIN wagon, it is offloaded and placed in the terminal YARD. The planning for the vessel is completed after receiving and loading the BAPLIE_IN (bay-plan) file from the shipping line. The vessel is now “worked” according to the plan, in other words “loaded” and/or “discharged”. Once the terminal has completed “working” the vessel, an “Outbound” EDI or BAPLIE_OUT file is generated and E-Mailed to the shipping line. The vessel then “Departs” the terminal. 


6.1 Shipping Line submits vessel nomination / vessel visit created The same scenario follows as with the EXPORT flow in the terminal, a vessel nomination document is received from the shipping line, and then a vessel visit is created. 

6.2 Shipping line submits “IN_BOUND” BAPLIE Once the terminal receives the INBOUND BAPLIE file from the shipping line, it is uploaded into the N4 system. 

6.3 Shipping line submits COPRAR file or Rail/Transshipment lists The COPRAR EDI file is received after the IN_BOUND BAPLIE file, and is loaded into N4, after the BAPLIE file. The COPRAR EDI file performs the same function as the manual “RAIL” lists and “Transshipment” lists supplied to the terminal. These lists are the instruction from the shipping line, as to which containers will leave the terminal via RAIL and which containers are “Transshipment” containers and leave the terminal on an “on carrier vessel”. 

6.4 TPT Plans Discharge sequence 
Once the BAPLIE and COPRAR files are loaded, and the Rail and Transshipment lists processed, the terminal now plans the “working” of the vessel, hence the “Discharge” sequence. The containers that must be “Discharged” from the vessel are taken off and placed in the terminal YARD. This is also referred to as “stacking”

. 6.5 Shipping line releases unit(s) and assigns Trucking company
 There are various types of holds that can be placed on containers by a number of parties. Holds can be placed by SARS (Customs stops) and these can be lifted by the Shipping Line. It is extremely important that the Shipping Line has obtained a release from SARS before uplifting a hold on a container.

 If a “Customs stop” has been placed on a container which has been routed by rail to an inland destination and SARS instruct that the container can be released for an inspection at a local facility, it is imperative that the rail routing be cancelled and changed to a road routing before the hold is lifted from the container by the Line. 

If this is not done there is a high risk that the container will be railed as originally planned and SARS will require that the container be returned to the discharge port for inspection. This will result in additional costs being incurred by the Line. 

When the container arrives on the vessel, there is an automatic “IMPORT HOLD” on the unit. In order for them to remove their containers from the terminal, the shipping line has to perform a “RELEASE” of their respective units on N4. This can either be done with an EDI file called a COREOR, or a manual action on N4. (Screen below shows illustrative view of “releasing” units).

6.5.1 On N4: Releasing IMPORT units 
All the IMPORT units inbound to the terminal has an automatic “IMPORT HOLD” on them. The shipping line performs the release of units, either manually on N4 or then electronically via the COREOR EDI file. 

6.6 UNITS loaded onto Truck/Train and “DEPARTS” terminal

The terminal allows the Trucking companies to collect the UNITS, provided that the “LINE HOLD” has been updated in other words the unit has been systematically “RELEASED” on N4. The same applies for the RAIL units. (For an illustrative view of the “Gate process”, see screens below) 

6.6.1 GATE IN and GATE OUT for Trucks: 

For IMPORT units the HOLD on the unit first has to be released, either “manually”via the web or via COREOR EDI file, before it may leave the terminal. (refer section number 6.5 of this guide). Then a TRUCKING COMPANY has to be assigned. This can be done “manually” as well as via COREOR EDI file. Note a TRUCKING COMPANY has to “EXIST” on N4 if it is collecting a unit from the terminal, or then be assigned. For EXPORT units, the booking and pre-advise is currently processed as the truck enters the gate at the terminal but the pre-advice will be required to be submitted either via the web, or via the EDI COPARN message prior to the truck arriving at the terminal entrance. The trucks entering the terminal have to be in possession of an RFID card for the AUTO GATE which includes their BAT number. A truck has to be licensed and be in possession of its TNPA permit as well. The automated gates within TPT are managed by CAMCO with their GOS system (gate operating system) integrating through to N4.

7. Transhipments

 7.1 Shipping line submits vessel nomination for both pre- and on carrier After receiving the vessel nominations for both the pre-vessel visit and then the “On-carrier” visit for the Transhipment units, the systematical vessel visits will be created by TPT on the N4 system. 

7.2 Shipping line submits INBOUND BAPLIE and COPRAR TPT then receives the INBOUND BAPLIE (bayplan) file, which is loaded onto N4 for the specific vessel visit. As in the case of the IMPORT units the COPRAR file or RAIL/TRANSHIPMENT lists are processed onto N4, after the BAPLIE_IN file has been successfully loaded. (Screens below for illustration) 

7.3 TPT Plans Discharge sequence/ working the vessel
 Once the EDI files have been loaded and lists processed, the vessel “discharge” sequence is planned by the vessel planners in the terminal. When the vessel arrives and berths, she is “worked”, discharged and loaded. The units that are discharged are placed in the terminal YARD (stacked) according to POD. 

7.3.1 UNITS Planned for On-Carrier/Loaded onto On-Carrier/Vessels DEPART
 The “Transshipment” units in stack, per POD, are now planned for their respective “On-Carrier” vessels expected at the terminal. Once these vessels arrive, the “Transshipment” units are LOADED onto their respective “On-Carrier” vessels. Vessels DEPART. 

8. EDI messaging on N4:

8 .1 EDI messages – chronological flow: 

8.1.1 BAPLIE_INBOUND = File received from shipping line, uploaded onto N4 - manually 
8.1.2 COPRAR = File received from shipping line, uploaded onto N4 – manually 
8.1.3 BAPLIE_OUTBOUND = File generated from N4 to trading partners - manually 
8.1.4 COREOR = File received from shipping line, uploaded onto N4 – automatically 
8.1.5 COARRI_DISCHARGE = File generated from N4 to trading partners - automatically 
8.1.6 COARRI_LOAD = File generated from N4 to trading partners - automatically 
8.1.7 CODECO_OUT = File generated from N4 to trading partners – automatically 
8.1.8 COPARN (booking) = File received from shipping line, uploaded onto N4 – automatically 
8.1.9 COPARN (pre-advise) = File received from shipping line, uploaded onto N4 – automatically
8.1.10 CODECO_IN = File generated from N4 to trading partners – automatically

9. EDI frequently asked Questions & Answers:

Q: Created a booking/coreor in my system but do not see it in NAVIS? 
A: It takes app. 15-20mins for a booking to be uploaded in NAVIS from FTP -> File Server -> NAVIS. 

Q: I have released my container via COREOR but the trucking company in NAVIS reflects as BLANK? 
A: This is incorrect as the code you have used does not have a valid trucking company assigned to it, check for the correct/corresponding trucking company and code and resend COREOR message 

Q: I am amending my Booking from 2 containers to 1 container but NAVIS give me error, QTY_LESSER_THAN_PREADVISED_OR_RECEIVED_QTY, what does this mean? 
A: There have already been more containers gated in for this booking than that, which you are trying to amend the quantity to. 

A: This either means that the vessel visit is not created in our system as yet or that the call sign/voyage you have provided for the vessel does not correspond with the one we have on system for this vessel. 

A: This error means that you have sent through a replace/cancellation COPARN for a booking that does not already exist in NAVIS, you cannot update/cancel a booking that does not exist. 

Q: My APERAK says VESSEL WITH LLOYDS [3FWL4] not found, what does this error mean? 
A: This error means that there is no vessel on our system corresponding to the call sign that you have provided in your EDI message. 

Q: I have sent through my COPRAR file but have not yet received an APERAK for it, why? 
A: The COPRAR message is manually uploaded into our system as it can only be loaded once the BAPLIE for the vessel has been loaded, therefore once the BAPLIE is loaded then the COPRAR is loaded. You will then receive the APERAK message. 

Q: My APERAK says that the trucking company code that I have used in my COREOR message is incorrect? 
A: The Trucking Company code list would have to be rechecked, it is more than likely that the code you have used is no longer in use/has been deleted. 

Q: The COPRAR APERAK reflects the following error PLACE KHH TW NOT AS POL OF CALL (VS PIPRM 027W) - PILASA – PNTDB, what does this mean? 
A: Errors such as these are usually resolved by the Terminal, if your input is required then the Terminal will notify you.

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